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You are donating manually via SWIFT International

$505 to $10,000
Silver Donation  
101-2000 Bricks 

By contributing $505 to $10000, you join esteemed silver members, with your name prominently featured on a plaque in recognition of your generous support.

Each $505 donation entitles you to 1 FOC room voucher at Knai Bang Chatt (Fully transferable - Valid for 12 months)

You'll receive notifications of your donated bricks, preserving your commitment's legacy.

Thank you for being a vital part of this project and for leaving a lasting mark on both art and sustainability.

Donation Level
STANDARD $5-$100
BRONZE $105-$500
SILVER $505-$10000
GOLD $10005-$25000
PLATINUM $25000+

When you click Donate, you will be re-directed to a page with the details of the bank remittance to complete the SWIFT manual transfer.

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